The Forge is a newly created journal and community by and for organizers across the progressive...
For The Many: Investing in Relational Fundraising
For the Many is building a grassroots movement of everyday people to transform New York so it works for everyone. By fighting to pass laws and win elections, they create lasting change across healthcare, housing, immigration justice, racial justice, climate and energy, the economy, and more. In 2021, to grow unrestricted revenue, they laid out a strategy to grow their relational fundraising program.
With a grant from Progressive Multiplier, For the Many increased their investment in their relational fundraising program from $30,000 to $55,000 annually. This effort included a variety of tactics, including a 30% increase in staff support and double the amount of outreach to fundraisers. The culmination was two one-week relational fundraising drives conducted through a snowflake model, leaning heavily into volunteers’ organizing skills.
In 2021, For the Many raised more than $700,000 from 9,690 individual donations with the help of the Progressive Multiplier. They estimate the program is on a trajectory to be a $1 million annual source of unrestricted revenue by 2024.
For the Many is building a grassroots movement of everyday people to transform New York so it works for all of us. We are coming together across race and age to fight for laws and win elections that put the power back in our hands and create lasting change.