Organizing Financial Capital to Grow Progressive Power! !

We believe that organized money and organized people create power in a democracy. Our program model offers movement groups the opportunity to start, strengthen or scale diverse revenue streams and grow their mission’s impact.  

Progressive Multiplier helps groups build or strengthen the capacities needed to sustain revenue generation, as well as adopt or refine IRG best practices, and innovate new ways to generate revenue. 

Our Approach

Our programs are designed to meet groups where they are in their journey towards economic liberation, offering the right blend of training, tools, peer community support, financial resources, and strategic guidance. Through The Convergence, partially or fully subsidized technical and strategic assistance, traditional and recoverable grants*, and market-rate loans.

*Progressive Multiplier awards grants to U.S.- based 501 (c)(3) and 501(c)(4) nonprofits and LLCs in which a 501 (c)(3) or (c)(4) are the only members.  

We provide traditional and recoverable grants, and market rate loans to support your revenue generating experiment.
Strategic Support
A team of fundraising experts will guide you throughout your revenue generation journey, providing insights and best practices to help you maximize your time.
Learning Community
Collaborate and learn from a network of other innovative, progressive organizations, receive access to an unprecedented resource library and training channels.

Strategic Support


We offer strategic support in the following areas:

  • Implementing or remediating the catalytic capacities of IRG
  • Implementing IRG best practices
  • IRG Experimentation that adds to the movement knowledge base

Here is How Our Programs Work:

At Progressive Multiplier, our funding for grants and services comes from a combination of funding partners and our own independent revenue generation efforts. With these resources, we engage with organizations through three program offerings: The Catalyst, The Lab and The Convergence.

Whether you're a nascent group with limited fundraising experience or a large team with years of expertise, our programs are designed to support organizations at every stage of their rev gen development.

Right now, our programs through the Catalyst and the Lab are accessible through our funder partnerships, like this one with several foundations in the Pacific Northwest that are investing in power building through IRG for their grantees. These partnerships are how Progressive Multiplier’s work got started and will always be at the heart of what we do.  And we’re trying to diversify our own revenue so we can have more flexibility and reach with these Catalyst and Lab programs. If you want to work with The Catalyst or Lab when partnerships are available, click here.  

The Convergence, is the home for those in the movement responsible for organizing financial resources.   It provides downloadable IRG tools, dozens of on-demand trainings on a wide variety of IRG topics and IRG project case studies.  By sharing the case studies of every project we have ever supported, the best practices they followed, and actionable findings, we are enabling movement leaders to replicate IRG success and drive innovation, ensuring that together, we build a financially sustainable future.


The Catalyst provides hands-on technical assistance and funding that helps groups build the catalytic capacities needed for revenue acceleration or revitalization. It also supports groups in implementing independent revenue generation best practices like launching a monthly donor program. 


At The Lab, we invest in groups to test fundraising ideas that expand our movement IRG knowledge base that can significantly boost their revenue streams. We offer resources to experiment, innovate, and refine tactics that drive sustainable financial growth. 


The Convergence is designed to accelerate impact across the movement by pooling collective IRG knowledge and the experiences of our movement. This portal unites progressive groups in a shared mission to amplify IRG strategies. By building a collaborative environment, 

What is an Experiment ?

A revenue generation experiment involves trying out new and bold concepts or expanding on established learnings. Experiments range from hosting historical environmental justice tours through Airbnb experiences to monetizing digital communities for civic engagement.

Want to work with The Catalyst or The Lab?

Raise your hand by submitting a Letter of Interest (LOI). 

This will be evaluated based on the project's rev gen merit, alignment with our learning agenda, potential benefit of our strategic assistance to the organization and the organization’s staff’s ability to actively participate in the project and our learning community. 

After reviewing your LOI, we may schedule a discovery call to discuss your project in more detail. Based on this call and current funding availability, we'll invite you to submit a full application. If funding is not available right now and we are interested in supporting your project, we will both seek funding and contact you when funds become available. 

If you need guidance in filling out the LOI, feel free to reach out—we're here to help.

We work in three Focus Areas :

Realizing Democracy
We support initiatives that creates informed and engaged communities, driving civic participation and empowering them to hold companies and lawmakers accountable for the fair and equitable treatment of all people and communities.
Achieving Justice
We support initiatives that tackle barriers to equality based on identity, beliefs, conditions, actions, or roles. This includes work in areas like gender justice, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, religious freedom, HIV/AIDS, immigration rights, economic justice, parental rights, education, incarceration, and more.
Restoring The Environment
Recognizing the fundamental right of all people to live in a clean and healthy environment, we support initiatives that address environmental challenges and promotes sustainable practices to ensure that future generations inherit a thriving earth.

Frequently asked questions


> What is your funding timeline?

We're in the midst of our own revenue diversification. Right now, we're primarily foundation-funded so our funding timelines are our funder partners' timelines. As we get unrestricted revenue through our own IRG, we will launch a more regular annual grant cycle.  Feel free to submit an LOI so we know you’re interested when funding becomes available.

> Who gets to learn about my experiment?

Grantee Partners become active contributors to the Convergence - our community for shared learning among fundraising professionals in the movement. Whether further refining an established tactic or developing a new one, their work contributes to a broader body of knowledge that accelerates revenue generation for others in the movement. 

> How much should I spend in both?

Catalyst groups should expect to dedicate up to 5 hours a month, and Lab grantees up to 10 hours a month.  Grantee partners receive 3.5 hours of best-in-class strategic support each month, tailored specifically to their revenue generation project. This support ranges from thought partnership and education to hands-on technical assistance, depending on the project's needs and funding arrangement.