The Catalyst

Helping organizations

Unlock Revenue Potential

We know that revenue generation alone isn't enough; movement groups need comprehensive support to overcome deep structural challenges to scale. Through The Catalyst, we provide hands-on technical assistance and funding to help movement groups build the catalytic capacities needed for revenue acceleration or revitalization. 

Why The Catalyst?

The Catalyst is designed to serve movement groups across the spectrum of maturity, whether they are just starting to build their revenue generation capacity or they have experienced revenue decline and need to regain financial viability.

Technical Support
  • Provide expert guidance on financial management, tech systems, and programming.
  • Offer templates and tools to build or strengthen your revenue generation infrastructure.
Funding Opportunities
Grants for implementation of IRG best practices.

The Catalyst's Approach

The Catalyst employs a two-pronged approach: Catalytic Capacity Building and Standard Revenue Generation Experimentation. Through Catalytic Capacity Building, we work directly with organizations to strengthen critical capacities in areas like technology, staffing, and operational systems, ensuring they have the infrastructure to scale.

Standard Revenue Generation Experimentation provides funding and strategic support to test, refine, and expand revenue generation strategies. With a focus on customized, hands-on assistance, The Catalyst helps organizations develop the capabilities needed to achieve financial sustainability and drive long-term growth.

Our approach combines empirical data with anecdotal insights to create a 3D analysis of your progress and provide actionable strategies for measurable growth, ensuring long-term sustainability.

Building The Foundation

The Catalyst helps organizations build a strong foundation for sustainable revenue generation. This goes beyond fundraising—successful long-term growth depends on the systems, tools, and processes that allow organizations to scale. The Catalyst identifies gaps in critical areas such as technology, assets, staffing, and operational workflows. By addressing these foundational needs, we ensure that organizations have the structural support necessary to grow their revenue in a sustainable way.

Catalytic Capacities

Catalytic capacities are the skills, systems, and strategies essential to building a strong infrastructure for long-term financial sustainability and growth. They include:

Tools and Technology

Implementing the right tech solutions to streamline operations.

Leveraging existing resources to maximize revenue potential.

Building a skilled team dedicated to revenue generation.

Processes and Systems

Developing efficient workflows and procedures to support financial growth.