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Ford Foundation: Investing in Rev Gen for Financial Resiliency

Oct 26, 2023 3:08:19 PM • Written by: Progressive Multiplier

The Ford Foundation’s BUILD program invited Progressive Multiplier to run a pilot program to broaden the financial resiliency offerings of its Cohort, Convenings, and Technical Assistance program.  Over the next year, we’ll assist U.S. BUILD grantees with the rev gen element of their financial resilience

We will be offering:pexels-jopwell-2422281 (2)

> Training and peer-facilitated spaces for selected groups facing revenue generation challenges within related areas, such as financial management or leadership readiness.

> Tailored strategic assistance with substantial thought partnership and guidance to a cohort of BUILD grantees facing urgent rev gen challenges.

> Communities of practice to address two of the most common challenges among BUILD grantees:

Finance, Communications & Development Collaboration: This community of practice focuses on aligning finance, communications, and development efforts to enhance financial resiliency.

Emerging Leaders with Limited Development Experience: This community of practice provides the necessary support and guidance for newly appointed executive directors navigating the complex fundraising world.

> Our first-ever live conference at the Ford Foundation's New York office will include a report out from the projects, from the communities of practice, and a keynote regarding the state of the rev gen landscape.

Our collective goal is to redefine revenue generation's role in financial resiliency and help nonprofits assemble the intricate puzzle of economic resilience, encompassing financial management, strategic thinking, and leadership readiness.

Progressive Multiplier